Signal Hill Circular » Signal Hill Circular - May 24th, 2024

Signal Hill Circular - May 24th, 2024

May 24th, 2024
What's been happening lately at Signal Hill...
The baby chicks have hatched and are enjoying being cuddled and read to in a few of our primary classes.
The Signal Hill Talent Show was amazing! We have so many talented and brave students!
The Bike Rodeo was a community event this year and was a huge success! We were fortunate to have our local Ambulance, Fire Department, RCMP, and Stl'atl'imx Tribal Police participate this year. We want to give a big THANK YOU to our Early Act students and their leaders, Kathy Leverton and Katherine Read for organizing this super fun and valuable event. The students learned many safety tips on the bike course and touring the stations.
rodeo rodeo
rodeo rodeo
We celebrated the Sťáťẏemc Declaration Day with an assembly in the gym. In preparation for the celebration, students learned how to make drumsticks and ribbon skirts. Some of our classes created bead bracelets last week that were presented to the Unity runners over the weekend. This was captured in a video that we watched at our assembly.  We then participated in some drumming. It was a great celebration. 
skirt drums
Library News:
Congratulations to the Grade 4/5 students who participated in the Reading Link Challenge book club! This is a program offered by the Pemberton Public Library with the support of the Signal Hill Library. The Reading Link Challenge requires students to read as many as possible of six novels from November until April. They are then placed in teams to compete in a Jeopardy style challenge, answering a variety of questions about the books that they have read. The winning team from this challenge went on to an additional challenge against the winning team from École La Vallée at the public library. Our team was, unfortunately, defeated but the students had a great time!

This Spring, the Signal Hill Library received a grant from Canadian Children’s Book Week to host virtual author visits from Leona Prince for all of our students in Grades 2/3-6/7 on how to "Be a Good Ancestor." Leona’s presentations explored:

Being a Good Living Ancestor

What does it mean to be a good living Ancestor? An important lesson is to learn to be kind to yourself so you can take care of others. How can we Be a Good Ancestor to ourselves so that we are better prepared to support the people around us? Self-care will ensure that we can have a greater positive impact on the world around us. 


Reconciling Our Land Relationships

 In our country, we are in a time of Truth and Reconciliation. One of the relationships that we need to consider is our relationship to the land. What are our land relationships and how does that tie to our identity as Canadians? How do we Be a Good Ancestor to the land?


Our primary classes have finished reading and voting on the Chocolate Lily Award picture book nominees.  The Chocolate Lily Book Awards celebrates the talent of BC's children's authors and illustrators.  "The Flamingo" by Guojing got the most votes at Signal Hill and we just found out that it is the official winner of the 2024 Chocolate Lily Award!

The Red Cedar book club participants in Grades 6/7 had fun at their year-end celebration on May 24th. We voted, shared out on our favourite reads, and enjoyed treats, prizes, and games! We look forward to seeing which books will win the fiction and non-fiction Red Cedar Award for 2024!


FamilySmart June Event: Please find a poster here for the June 'In the Know' event, Self Harm: There Is Always Help, There is Always Hope. This free virtual event will be offered five times throughout June. Registration is required and can be done here.


Help for Hard Times for Families: This is a reminder that the Help for the Hard Times workshop is offered three times each month, supporting families who have experienced mental health crises. Please see this poster for more information, and please feel free to share. The direct link to register can be found here.


Feeding Futures:


Feeding Futures is a commitment of the Provincial Government to ensure students are properly fed for learning to enhance positive academic and health outcomes. Beginning in Fall 2023, $214 million will be given to school districts throughout BC over three years to create or expand local school food programs. This new, ongoing program will support existing school-based programming while offering additional opportunities for students to access food at schools. Learn more here.

Canada Dental Benefit for Children Under 12: Please help raise awareness for the Canada Dental Benefit. The first benefit period was a success, with 50% of eligible children in British Columbia—34,260—receiving the benefit. That’s something to smile about! 


The second and final benefit period will help cover dental care costs between July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024, and it is important that all eligible families know about the benefit and how to apply. Even families who applied during the first benefit period can re-apply for the final benefit period. Please see this factsheet for more information.





Sea to Sky Safety Net is a hub of self-care tools and local resources to help connect Sea to Sky residents to mental health and substance use support services.
SOGI 123 for parents:
SOGI 1 2 3 Parent Resources were created in collaboration with BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC) and the BC Ministry of Education to answer parent questions about what SOGI-inclusive education looks like in Canadian schools.
EASE K–7 lessons have been adapted for use by parents and caregivers to help children manage worries and everyday anxiety at home.